Feeding your cockatiel is easy these days with an abundance of companies producing high quality pellets, seed mixes and treats. When feeding your Cockatiel remember that in the wild they forage and eat palm nuts, seeds and fruits. Cockatiel birds are very active and therefore they need foods that are rich in calories, protein and fats. Domesticated birds don’t expend as much energy as their wild counterparts and so their diet should reflect that fact.


Cockatiels should eat a mix of pellets, seeds, fresh fruit and vegetables and the occasional treat such as millet spray or from the kitchen table (they love to eat with the human family!) Here’s a list of everything that cockatiels can and can’t eat. Once 6 months old or so Cockatiels should be roughly eating 60% pellets, 25% seed mix and 15% fresh fruit, vegetables, grasses and treats.

Types of bird food

best food for cockatiels

Bird Seeds and Pellets

Seeds are a big part of any bird’s diet and they eat them naturally in the wild as they are a good source of carbohydrates. However, seeds alone can cause complications because they are naturally fatty. Cockatiels need fatty acids for their skin development but in moderation. If your cockatiel is young, and they have been eating a primarily seed diet, don’t change that for the first 6 months. We then suggest you start incorporating pellets. Add the pellets slowly over the next 2 weeks. Feed your birds around 1/4 cup of seed mix per day. Here’s a much much more in-depth look at cockatiel pellets and what ones are the best.

Garden Greens for Your Cockatiel

Some of the best bird food for your Cockatiel is nibbling on grasses, as they would in their natural habitat. So feed them Winter grass, Dandelions and Paspalum grasses for variety in their diet.  Give them fresh grass each day. They also love spinach, beets, chicory and any other leafy green vegetables.

Fresh Vegetables for Your Birds

Vegetables contain Phytonutrients that enhance the cockatiel body’s immune system which helps them stay strong, have energy, be happy and prevent illnesses. Veggies are also a rich source of natural fibre.  Keep in mind that you should feed vegetables to your birds in moderation to prevent diarrhoea and make sure they are properly washed. Remember, the majority of their diet should be pellets and seeds.

Feeding Your Cockatiel Fruit

Fruits are healthy and sweet and they also provide natural sources of sugars for the cockatiel. It is recommended that you only offer bite-sized pieces of fruits and remove the pits or seeds of the fruits to prevent your Cockatiel from choking.


Cockatiels, like humans, love the occasional treat! The main thing here is remembering it’s a treat! Bird specific treats such as millet spray, sunflower seeds and commercial treats are great for your pet cockatiel. In moderation, they are another source of nutrients and help to give your bird something to look forward to. They get so excited when they see the treat coming!

They also love to eat with their human flock. That may simply mean eating their food when you are eating. But it may also mean sharing a little of your food with your pet. I’m sure they feel included and more part of the family that way. Be careful though, not everything we can eat is safe for cockatiels. Avocado for example can be fatal. Here’s a list I put together of what cockatiels can and can’t eat. 
Feeding your cockatiel a large variety of different foods including cockatiel pellets, seed mixes, greens, fruits, vegetables and the occasional treat will keep them happy and healthy.
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